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Maoshan Hill Scenic Region

Jiangsu.NET Score
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Location: Zhenjiang
Address: Maoshan Town, Jurong City, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212446, China
Fee: 70 Yuan/ticket; 1,2 m children free entry
Operation: 7:00 – 17:30 Monday to Sunday, Taoism Annual Conference from February to March each year; Mountain Hiking Festival March 18 to May 8 each year
Route: Take a bus or taxi via Chang-Liyang Highway or Nanjing-Hangzhou Expressway, 50 km from Nanjing Lukou Airport; Jintan City and Jurong City have shuttle bus to the region

Phone: 86-511-782 7158

The scenic region is comprised of a provincial forest park and a Taoism temple. Lying in the southwest part of Jiangsu, the Maoshan Hill is about 60 km away from Changzhou but most of its area is governed under the jurisdiction of Zhenjiang. The hill is 373 meters high and occupies an area of 32 square kilometers.

The region is famed with its six peaks, natural forest, caves, natural ponds and numerous historical relics. A Taoism temple on the hill, the Wanfu Palace, which means the Thousand Fortune Palace in Chinese, has been honored as a great Taoism monastery in China.

The hilly area was also an anti-Japanese base for a Chinese resistant force during Japanese invasion in 1940s.

With its reputation and religious influence, the region was visited by lots of celebrities in the Chinese history of Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties and numerous historical relics were left behind by well-known poets, writers, Taoists and so on.

It is a good place to visit both for its religious greatness and natural views.

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