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Jiao Hill Scenic Region

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Location: Zhenjiang
Address: Dongwu Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212000, China
Fee: 30 Yuan/ticket
Operation: 7:15 – 17:00; September 26 to October 26for Chinese Laurel Festival
Route: Take Bus 4 from the Railway Station

Phone: 86-511-881 7103

The scenic region includes three major tourist attractions: Jiao Hill (Jiaoshan Hill), Dinghui Temple and a park.

Jiao Hill is one of the three well known hills in Zhenjiang City and the other two are Jinshan Hill and Beigushan Hill. The hill is 71 meters above sea level and covers an area of nearly 40 hectares. You can even describe it as an island as it is surrounded by the Yangtze River.

The hill is covered by greenery that makes it look like a “floating jade", hence its other name “Floating Jade Hill”. Many also dubs it “A Park on the River” or “A Reef in Raging Torrents”. Due to its splendid beauty, the hill has become a favorite place for celebrities, travelers and locals. Legend goes that in order to commemorate a renowned individual of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Jiao Guang, who once lived here, Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty renamed it as Jiao Hill. Many famous personages left behind marvelous calligraphies and sculptures, and therefore the hill is granted an additional title, “the Hill of Calligraphy”.

A 4-AAAA tourist attraction

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