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Dinghui Temple

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Location: Zhenjiang
Address: In Jiao Hill Scenic Region, Dongwu Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212000, China
Fee: 30 Yuan/ticket
Operation: 7:15 – 17:00; September 26 to October 26: Chinese Laurel Festival
Route: Take Bus 4 from the Railway Station

Phone: 86-511-881 7103

The temple is located within the Jiao Hill Scenic Region and is a prestigious destination for tourists.

The temple was erected in the Eastern Han Dynasty and is the largest of all the temples on the hill. It was originally called the Puji Temple but was renamed to Jiaoshan Temple in the Yuan Dynasty. During the Qing Dynasty, the Emperor Kangxi paid a visit to the hill and granted the new name, Dinghui, to the temple, which is still used today. The temple reached its golden ages during the Ming Dynasty, in which it had 98 diverse halls, more than 3,000 monks and 18 additional temples nearby.

Two most well-known structures are the Daxiongbaodian Hall and Huayan Pavilion. The Daxiongbaodian is the main building with the style of the Ming and is magnificent, with an ornately painted and carved ceiling, red pillars and cool stone floors. Statues of Sakyamuni, Akshobhya and Amitabha are enshrined within, with 18 arhats lining up on both sides. All of these figures are diverse and vivid in expressions and gestures. In front of the hall are two 500-year-old ginkgo trees.

The Huayan Pavilion is to the southwest of Dinghui Temple and it is two stories high. One can enjoy the views of the Yangtze River from three directions: eastern, southern and western sites.

A 4-AAAA tourist attraction

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